
  The Yellow Kit or “kit Giallo” It took us a few days of recuperating to get our biological clocks more in line with the local time (7- hours ahead of CST in USA). A week ago Thursday (the 9 th ) we ventured out in search of the illusive Yellow Kit (Kit Giallo) used to apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit). The Visa we obtained at the Consulate in Houston was only good for 8-days after arriving in Italy.   We were required to file for the Permesso di Soggiorno within that 8-day period.   Steve did a lot of research ahead of time and put together a spreadsheet   of all the things we needed to do based on instructions he was able to find online.   For the Permesso di Soggiorno these included: 1.       Obtain Yellow Kit (kit Giallo) from any Italian Post Office with “Sportello Amico”. Complete form but don’t sign and don’t seal envelope until you return to Post Office (sign in front of Postal Officer after they review ...
Arrived in Italy - our new adopted home!!! We arrived a week and half ago! Truth be told, our trip over was not what we had hoped.  Our friends and family went above and beyond to cheer us on our way amid lots of laughter, tears, and scrambling to finish up giving away and selling almost all of our belongings. YES, we gave away or sold pretty much everything we had (house, cars, furniture, books, dishes, etc.), keeping only some clothes, shoes, jewelry, a few cherished cooking items (cooking knives, and other small gadgets), computers and other electronics, etc. An hour into our flight, I began feeling nauseous. That wonderful intestinal bug that has been going around in the States hit me on the plane. If it were not for the attentive care of my husband and a wonderful flight crew on KLM, I don't know how I would have made it. Never want to be in that situation again! Luckily, I was feeling marginally better upon landing in Amsterdam, and was able to make the last short flight to G...

From Galveston to Genova

This is my first post. My friends Cindy and Deb have graciously introduced me to the world of blogging.  My husband and I are about to totally change our lives. We are uprooting from living in the US and moving overseas. We have traveled to many parts of the world, enjoyed each and every new place that we set our eyes on and engaged our tastebuds. However, our hearts always have been drawn back to Italy!  The ancient history is alive in the fabric of the modern day. The cuisines, the people, the intriguing language, the absolute beauty! I will share my adventures, challenges, and new insights as we make our way on our new journey!  Stay posted!  Ciao for now! Lori